Altered By Mom

What: Alt/Indie Rock
Where: Toronto, ON
Altered by Mom is an alt-rock/indie duo from Toronto that combine a knack for infectious melodies and classic songwriting with a quirky sense of humour and a tongue-in-cheek post-grunge aesthetic. They sound like Alanis Morissette, Oliva Rodrigo, and Sloan chowing down on a party sub in the security line at YYZ.
The band’s new release, AHEM, is a metaphorical throat clearing, a demand for attention, and a command of the floor. While 52 SONGS was a 52-course meal, the four tracks on AHEM are a power snack, like a banana with a Red Bull chaser, an amuse-bouche for the ears. Lead singles “Dive In,” “Everygirl,” and now “Waiting on a Sign That’s Already There” are compelling fun and introspective songs about self-belief, pursuing love, and embracing the weird and wonderful in life.