Embracing the Continuum of Creativity

Embracing the Continuum of Creativity


There's a peculiar magic in the desire to start over, that glimmer of hope that comes with the wish to become something new. Humans have an affinity for the shiny and pristine, be it a sparkling new iPhone, or the charm of a bouncing baby – new is undeniably cute, sweet, and desirable.

In the grand dance of time, we often find ourselves touchy about new beginnings – the allure of a fresh year, the promise of a new month, and even the excitement of a new week. From the ubiquitous motivational Monday posts to the often-forgotten new year's resolutions, there's a constant craving for a clean slate. But why? Why this fixation on a fresh start?

Sure, there's a certain joy in turning the page of a new book, but what about the next chapter of the old one? How many times must we go back to the drawing board, starting from scratch before realising the beauty of the journey itself?

Now, don't get me wrong. New days, weeks, months, and years do offer a valuable opportunity to reflect and strategize – an excellent chance to hit the reset button if needed. But there's a pitfall we often stumble into – the illusion of progress. Starting over can create the illusion that we're moving forward, but are we really?

So, here's a challenge for you today: embrace the continuum. Instead of hitting reset, pick up from where you left off, drawing wisdom from yesterday's experiences. Let yourself marinate in the familiarity of your journey, for you might discover that there's a unique kind of magic in persisting, in building upon what you've already created.

Think about your favourite music – it's not just about the beats of the latest chart-topping single. It's about evolution, the continuation of a rhythm that carries you through highs and lows. Your creative journey is no different. It's about riding the groove, dancing with the ebb and flow of your unique melody.

Starting anew can be like changing the track abruptly, disrupting the harmony you've been crafting. Instead, let's appreciate the beauty of a well-played symphony – where each note builds upon the last, creating a narrative that resonates.

So, the next time you're tempted to hit reset on your artistic pursuits, pause and consider the magic that lies in continuity. Embrace the fact that your journey is an evolving composition, a living melody waiting to be explored further. After all, in the music of life, it's not just about the individual beats; it's about the rich, dynamic tapestry they weave together. Let's ride the groove together, and who knows, you might just discover a magic that surpasses the allure of starting over.

Website: www.adeoluwamusic.com

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