Passion For Your Craft

Passion For Your Craft

By Frank Cosentino

For me, music was always more than just a hobby or form of entertainment.  It is a spiritual experience that transcends the mundane and connects me to the divine.  I approach it with reverence and awe.  Recognizing the power it holds to transform and uplift, in turn helping to validate my existence and purpose in this life.

 It is not a job for the faint of heart.  It is not a job to expect to get rich. It is not a job that hard work always gets you where you planned on going.  Passion, is a ‘strong and barely controllable emotion’.  It is the heartbeat of the true ‘lifer’.  The player relies on it because it is the only way many can justify the many challenges faced with the rigours of touring, performing and life in the business.

 In my decades of living this life, it has been my one constant companion. Passion for your craft is the greatest tool you can use to keep the inspirational fires burning bright in you.

 Passion is your ‘Mental General’, by this I mean, the job of the General is to get the job done.

No matter the obstacles, no matter the cosr,   The show must go on!

 So when the van breaks down in the middle of nowhere, and when the club owner does not keep their end of the deal.  When your gear breaks down in the middle of a show with a full house, remember why you got into this in the first place.  It is the passion you felt the first time an audience applauded you. It is the passion that keeps you moving forward on your chosen course.

Passion for one’s craft is crucial in the music industry, as it provides the drive and motivation needed to overcome challenges and maintain creative inspiration.  It serves as a constant companion throughout one’s career, helping artists push through difficult times and keeps their eyes on the prize. 

 By remembering why they started and fostering their passion, musicians can ensure their art remains authentic and impactful.

 Music is more than just a hobby or form of entertainment … it is spiritual an experience that transcends the mundane and connect me to the divine.


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