Steve Goldberger - Book and Album

After 50+ years as a professional musician and recording artist, Steve Goldberger announces the release of his new record and book.
In A Life - The Book
Steve Goldberger has been a working musician and recording artist for fifty-plus years. In his book In a Life: A Memoir Peppered with Stories of a Lucky Life in Music and Bum Ticker Adventures, Steve shares his personal stories from being in a country rock and bluegrass band called Black Creek in the 1970s and ’80s to playing and working with all kinds of roots-style musicians, both Canadian and international, in the Toronto and Niagara region.

He also reflects on his Jewish roots and recounts his experiences working in his family’s business and coping with several health issues. Scattered throughout his stories are those from some of his musician friends, including such Canadian award-winning and successful musicians as Bernie LaBarge, Graham Lear, Wendell Ferguson, Jim Casson, Penner MacKay, and more. Steve was even blogging before blogging was a thing. Back in 1998, after being diagnosed with an enlarged aorta that needed to be replaced, he started the blog The Bum Ticker to chronicle his experience with open-heart surgery, receiving responses from people all over the world. Some of the blog’s humorous and scary excerpts are included in this book. Music, friendships, dogs, love, sadness, death, humour, joy, and philosophical outlooks—In a Life has it all.
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In A Life - The Album
This is Steve's 10th solo album since opening the Shed Recording Studio in 2000. It’s a combination of 5 original songs and 5 covers of some of hisfavourite songwriters’ deep cuts. Some of the songs were a bit difficult for him to pull off both vocally and instrumentally on piano and guitars.

Says Goldberge - "The album is quite melancholy and shares the sense of loss which I was feeling these last few years. While the songs are love songs, they express my feelings mostly in a metaphorical way, having just lost many of my peers, friends and my father. Some express my gratitude and luck to still be here, alive and well, on this planet, living a very good life and just movin’ on."
On most of the songs, he is am playing the majority of instruments, but he is also joined by some of greatest singers and players around including:
Drummers: Jim Casson, Dave Norris, Peter Griffin,
Guitarists: Rusty McCarthy, Cam MacInnes, Wayne Deadder, Andrew Aldridge, Randy Busbridge
Steel Guitar: Steve Wood
Fiddle: Shane Guse
Vocalists: Serena Pryne, Laurel Minnes, Nathanial Goold, Aaron Berger